The Mission

Empowering individuals & businesses to leverage their unique skills and platforms to create SOCIAL & CULTURAL CHANGE, globally.


LIFE & EXECUTIVE COACHING - for people and businesses seeking a path to global social and cultural change through personal betterment, a growth mindset and a commitment to community.

I work with individuals who are committed to their own growth and recognise the opportunity they have to impact real change whether at work, across their social circles or across society as whole.

Through one on one/group sessions, workshops and corporate keynotes, I will coach you to discovering your best and most confident self so that you can elevate your career, relationships, and overall well-being and create a life of abundance in which you can truly thrive.


If you own or run a business and you want to take it to the next level but don’t quite know what that journey looks like, I offer business consulting services to bring a fresh perspective on how to approach nuanced and complex business challenges, provide expertise so that you can hone your strategy, and offer go forward plans which align with your business goals.

My consulting services can be in the form of one day immersion strategy sessions, 3 month and year long packages.

About me.

Dear potential client,

Thanks for stopping by to check out my website.

More importantly, well done for following through on your curiosity about your own personal growth. Like you, I have been on my own journey over the last few years to work on the parts of myself that I wasn’t happy with and that can be a scary journey to embark upon. Every day I am evolving and working towards being a better version of the person I know I am destined to be.

In past lives I have been a family support worker, a child protection social worker and a barrister (yes, with the wig). Objectively, successful on the career front I guess. But what’s the common denominator? People. Service. Community.

I am a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach and a Certified Executive Coach (AoEC & Evercoach by Mindvalley). My Vision is to coach individuals who want to make a real and measurable impact in their own lives and across communities to create a ripple effect in the very fabric of our global society and culture.

With the guidance of a Coach, you can start living more intentionally in a way that aligns with your values and vision. As a Certified Life & Executive Coach and a fellow flawed human, I am here to support you on reaching your ambitions whether it be in your career or in your personal life.

Get booked in for The Chemistry session to see how working with me will provide you with the tools you need to unlock the confidence you never knew you had to break through those proverbial barriers and create your own path to success!

What Clients Are Saying…

My Values.

Value alignment is a key component to success and overall happiness, whatever that means to you. Here are my top 5 and most important values, which I hope will go some way to telling you a bit more about me.


We all need help, support, love, guidance, friendship, joy and shared experiences. I believe that these are the things that enrich our lives and build Community. Your network and support system, the people you surround yourself with - should raise your vibrations and bring you good vibes only.


Whether it is a random act of kindness, doing a friend a favour, being someone’s confidant, weekly volunteering, donating to charity - Service and doing little things every day to make the world slightly better than it was yesterday, will fill you with purpose and increase your overall happiness.


It’s really important to me to show up every day as my true and Authentic Self. In everything I do, I want my interactions and relationships to be genuine and to feel like I am portraying a truly honest representation of myself. But in addition to that, my actions and my choices are aligned with my values and my purpose.


For me, freedom is about the ability to choose - where you live, how you live, what you do for work, the kind of person you choose to be every day. Freedom is the ability and privilege to live purposefully, with basic rights of security and expression.


I believe that we never stop learning. Every day is an opportunity to evolve and shift your perspective, to improve, create and grow.

Your Journey: Inspiration to Action.



If you don’t sleep, you can’t dream. If you don’t dream, you limit your potential. It’s time to figure out what your bigger picture looks like. What’s your purpose?



Goals are simply milestones; they are actionable and attainable and can be measured - tick one off your list and you’re on to the next. But in order to grow, you have to figure out what your mission is.


To make changes you have to identify your big picture ending. You have to know where you’re going before you can figure out how to get there.


Make it.

It’s up to you to make it work and commitment and accountability are imperative. If you can’t do it for you, who can you do it for?


Like a lego house, it’s the small building blocks that are the key to creating the foundation for your success.


Share it.

Now that you’re on your way to becoming your best self, tell your people!! Sharing your experiences and basic tips and tricks will kick others into action. They may need it more than they realise.


Limiting Beliefs. “Are what limit your success. It’s time to change your perspective.

— R. Dadral


So you’ve decided there’s something you want to work on, change or achieve. Coaching is all about facilitating YOUR growth, it’s entirely focused on you and what you want your journey to be because you are the expert of your own life. If you want to experience first hand how unlocking your potential by getting rid of obstacles can lead to success, check out my one-to-one sessions starting with The Chemistry.

The Composer. “You are in control of your life and happiness. If you don’t like the music, change it. ”

— R. Dadral


CORPORATE CULTURE is increasingly taking the spotlight within large, multi-faceted, global organisations. Research shows that people who feel able to make genuine connections at work are more motivated and focused, but more importantly a good culture goes to the overall success of the team or organisation.

LEADERSHIP is paramount to the overall success of creating a corporate culture in which people can grow and thrive. Culture has become increasingly important with a large percentage of the workforce now either working remotely from home or within newly introduced hybrid models. All of this impacts leadership, how you communicate with your team, team building, trust and confidence in the workforce.

My leadership and executive coaching sessions are a call to action for those who understand the value in investing in self development and learning the tools you need to get the best out of your people. If you’re interested, get in touch to arrange an initial chat.

Focus Areas.

  • Defined as “the feeling or belief that one can have in someone or something”, what does Confidence mean in the context of the individual? To me, Confidence is the magic sauce which has frankly given me the audacity to believe that I can do or achieve anything. That’s not to say self-doubt doesn’t rear its ugly head from time to time, but for me it’s the innate knowing and believing that whatever comes up in life, I can handle it.

    Often, we look for external sources of validation either from family and friends, social media, colleagues - the list goes on! I invite you to take a moment to reflect on where you’re at on the confidence spectrum.

  • This is one that most people struggle with; the idea of first loving yourself and the person you are, before you can truly love another. It’s true that the relationship we have with ourself is the longest relationship we will have in our lives. So why then do we not nurture it with the same love and care we afford to partners, family, friends, pets or plants?

    The way that you communicate and treat yourself is incredibly impactful in all areas of your life when it comes to creating boundaries, self worth, relationships, perceptions of ability and success.

  • Often times, we base our visions of success on what we see on social media, the content that we watch, and family or community expectations. But when we really dig deep and think about what’s important to us on an individual level, the picture can look different.

    If you’re ready to take control of what your future looks like and take the steps to make it happen, let’s explore what success looks like to you.

  • If you’re a people manager, performance is critical. Over the last ten years, organisations have managed to create this revered “hustle harder” culture which has led to less work life balance, burnout, stress, bad sleep health, anxiety and depression.

    If you want to transform from a management approach to leadership, book in for an initial call.

  • Leadership is all about followship. The key is to build relationships and create a trusting environment where you can delegate and hold space for your people to make mistakes.

  • Corporate Culture is all about the beliefs and behaviours which steer how people interact. It is tied to the company values and mission and sets the tone for how people experience their work environment.

    Nowadays, organisations are increasingly making hiring decisions based on whether or not candidates are a good “culture fit”, but the question is, does your leadership, team or wider organisation’s culture align with the overarching company values?